6th Grade 1st Semester CDL Science Kit
We are 70% to our goal of 100 donors as we head into our final week of fundraising. Let's put this baby to bed before winter break & continue our tradition of support for Cedar Park students & staff.
Here's a quick look at what your donations provide for our 900+ students:
Additional hardback for CPMS outdoor library
$10 provides four CDL science kits (1800 needed this school year)
$15 provides the estimated cost spent on a 6th grader this fall (all kits + welcome t-shirt)
$25 provides five CDL art kits (800 needed this school year)
$50 provides four new hardback books for CPMS library
$75 covers the total take home kits of 10 students
$100 keeps Cedar Park awesome
6th Grade CDL Art Kit
WHAT THE MONEY PROVIDES: A lot of cool stuff that your kids have already received, including take-home art & science kits, 6th grade t-shirts, individual math whiteboards,& additional hardback books from the CPMS library.
Looking into the spring, it will offer the option of new PE equipment, teacher carts (in case of hybrid or limited limited instruction), and grade-level celebrations.
DONATE NOW: Use your PayPal account or any debit/credit card to support the CDL efforts of Cedar Park PTC in as little as 30 seconds. Each individual donor (regardless of donation size) takes us one step closer to our goal of 100 donors.
NIKE/ COLUMBIA/ INTEL FAMILIES: Feel free to donate directly to the Cedar Park PTC via the Benevity portal. Forward the confirmation to president@cedarparkptc.org.
FUNDRAISING NEWSLETTER: Check out our No Fuss Fundraising newsletter for more info, including matching funds & receipt info.