Sponsorships Available for Valuable Cedar Hills Boulevard Signage


This year’s Cedar Park PTC fundraiser may be greatly simplified, but corporate sponsorships are still available to support the students and staff of Cedar Park Middle School.

Since our marketing is subsequently simplified, our offer to sponsors is streamlined as well.  To account for that, please note that sponsorship amounts have been reduced by 30% than in previous years.  Valuable banner space on Cedar Hills Boulevard will still be provided, and sponsors will be named in all our emails to our community and social media. 

See below for sponsorship levels. Contact Bettina (president@cedarparkptc.org) if you are ready for your business information to be seen by 20,000+ vehicles per day!!

Platinum Sponsor - $1,750

  • 4’ x 6’ sign hung along Cedar Hills fence line

  • Logo/name on all outreach and social media

Gold Sponsor - $700

  • ½ of a 4' x 6' sign along Cedar Hills fence line 

  • Logo/name on all outreach and social media

Silver Sponsor - $350

  • ¼ of a 4' x 6' sign along Cedar Hills fence line

  • Logo/name on all outreach and social media

Bronze Sponsor - $175

  • Business name on fence signage

  • Logo/name on all outreach and social media

PTC funds are still vitally important in this new landscape.  Now, more than ever, we need to reach out to students and support their middle school experience.  We’re working hard to stay responsive to the needs of our community, and your support would be invaluable to us as this time.

Find out more about our No Fuss Fundraising campaign at www.cedarparkptc.org/fundraising.
