Outdoor School is coming up fast. Read on for some important info.
DROP OFF PACKED BELONGINGS Fri, 5/18 or Sunday, 5/20
We need all supplies dropped off BEFORE the Monday students leave for camp. Please drop off your child’s belongings at one of these two time ONLY, in a specially designated area for your child’s team.
All items need to be clearly marked with your child’s name (first, last, and team name) in marker or on masking tape.
- Friday, May 18th between 4:00-4:30 pm
- Sunday, May 20th between 3:00-4:30 pm
Parents needed to help manage this process. SIGN UP HERE TO BE A HERO.
- We need people to make sure items are labelled with first/last/team name and in the correct location for our Monday morning departure.
- All student baggage should be dropped up the designated times Friday or Sunday before outdoor school .
- For two of the teams, items are loaded into a UHaul well before students leave Cedar Park. Volunteers will help each student double check labels on their gear.
- On Monday before departure, we need volunteers to load everything onto the correct vehicle. Packers will work with every student and be very busy for about half an hour.
We will have the challenge of loading about 350 students on 8 busses to 3 camps.
#1 - PLEASE arrange carpools with other families from your child’s school team (Amazon, Yukon, or Limerick). Each hall has different arrival and departure time in an effort to to minimize the number of cars in our parking lot that morning. Even so, parking will be crowded. There will be some overlap with our regular bus arrival, as well.
#2 - Help your 6th grader pack as efficiently as possible. Your child should be able to carry their own belongings. Checklist & tips for packing for ODS can be found HERE.
#3 - MOST IMPORTANT - We need volunteers to help. If you are interested in helping us (we can’t do this without you!) please use this Sign Up Genius to sign up for your student’s team: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f044dacae2daafd0-6thgrade
Detailed Bus Loading Plans
Camp Magruder, south of Rockaway Beach
Yukon @ Magruder
•Student Arrival time: 8:15 am - Please arrange for carpools with other families from your team. Arrival time is well before the regular bus drop off time.
•Student gathering location: B6-Ms. DeLong’s room
•Busses arrive in BACK parking lot & leave promptly at 8:45 am; do not be late or you will miss the bus!
Trickle Creek, near Salem
Limerick @ Trickle Creek
•Student Arrival time: 8:45-9:15 am - Please arrange for carpools with other families from your team. Students may take their regular bus if needed, but cannot bring all their items on the bus; there is not room. Baggage must be dropped of the Friday or Sunday prior to outdoor school at the designated times.
•Student gathering location: Cafeteria
•Busses arrive at 9:00 am & leave promptly at 9:20 am; do not be late or you will miss the bus!
Cedar Ridge, outside Vernonia
Amazon @ Cedar Ridge
•Student Arrival time: 8:45-9:15 am - Please arrange for carpools with other families from your team. Students may take their regular bus if needed, but cannot bring all their items on the bus; there is not room. Baggage must be dropped of the Friday or Sunday prior to outdoor school at the designated times.
•Student gathering location: Fitness gym
•Busses arrive at 9:20 am & leave promptly at 9:25 am; do not be late or you will miss the bus!
If you child will need to take any medications at Outdoor School, a parent must bring it in before May 10 (we need time to organize and pack it all up). It must be in the original container with the prescription, and please all their meds in a clear Ziploc bag with your child's first and last name.
Students may not transport medications! If you child has an Epi-Pen or Inhaler already kept at school, we will send that one to Outdoor School with them.
If you are able to donate boots, raincoats or sleeping bags you no longer need, please drop off at Cedar Park by May 14.
Parent pick up times for students after ODS. ***Please Note TIME CHANGE!
This is an early release day. We do not have space to store student belongings, nor can suitcases go on the bus. Please make arrangements to pick you child up at the following times:
- Amazon- returns at 12:30pm
- Limerick-returns at 12:30pm
- Yukon-returns at 2:30pm
Questions can be directed to Megan Clifford, CPMS Vice Principal (megan_clifford@beaverton.k12.or.us).