WE STILL NEED YOU– Volunteering Guidelines at CPMS

While volunteering in a middle school is a slightly different experience than elementary, your time and efforts are still necessary for a successful school year.  Our PTC offers  many different programs and options for parents and community members willing to help support a positive and fun student experience.

Before you can volunteer at CPMS, you must have a cleared background check within mVP and be added to our CPMS Volunteer database.  Please go to our Volunteering page to get started.

Below you will find the guidelines for volunteering at CPMS:


In an effort to increase safety and security, all volunteers need to wear a school name tag at all times when in the building. Adults not wearing proper identification should be directed to the school office.

Signing In and Out

Please sign in and out of the building when you volunteer. DO NOT FORGET TO PUT ON YOUR BADGE AND LANYARD. If you do not have a badge, see the secretary.

Reasons for signing in and out:

  • Safety and security of students, staff, parents and community members.
  • Volunteer hours statistics may be used in grant applications qualifying under in-kind contributions.
  • Volunteer statistics may be needed for verification of volunteer match grants.
  • If you are volunteering at home, please log your volunteer hours on http://www.myvolunteerpage.com

Sight and Sound Policy

Beaverton School District Board Policy IICC states that:

All volunteers shall operate under the direction of a licensed staff member and shall be within sight and sound of a licensed staff member while working with students. This policy applies to parents as well as non-parent volunteers and is for the safety of students, staff and volunteers.


Volunteers must protect the teachers’ and students’ right to privacy. You may NOT disclose school information or personal matters which you may have overheard. Discuss student problems or concerns only with the teacher, staff member with whom you are working, or principal.



Although the job is voluntary, the commitment is professional. Maintain an attitude of mutual respect and confidence. Familiarize yourself with school policies and classroom practices. ABSOLUTELY NO SWEARING! Please dress appropriately!

Dependability and Punctuality

The staff and students are relying on you!  Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator if you are unable to make a shift. Please arrive a little early to allow for time to sign in and get to where you need to be.

Liability Coverage

To be eligible for the District’s liability coverage, YOU MUST SIGN IN AND OUT EACH TIME YOU ARE IN THE BUILDING.  Should an accident occur, please report it to the Principal and the Volunteer Coordinator as soon as it occurs.

Bathroom Use

DO NOT USE STUDENT BATHROOMS.  Staff bathrooms are available in the office and in Corridor 2 near C-Hall.

Questions can be directed to Angela Redmon, CPMS Director of Volunteers.
