
Save Your Boxtops!

This January, Cedar Park's PTC will begin collecting Box Tops with the specific purpose of funding new PE equipment.  Starting in January, please look for a container in the front office (near the computer) where you can drop off your Box Tops.  There is also a bin outside the office on the window sill.

A full listing of participating products can be found at

Questions can be directed to Jana Drotzmann, PTC President.

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Cedar Park PTC Achieves 5K Dreams

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We did it, Cedar Park!  

The 2017 Cedar Park 5K completed its fundraising mission last week, collecting $50,496 and earning an all-school ice cream celebration.  This record achievement was made possible by the groundswell of generous parent and community support.  Thank you to every Cedar Park family who donated in any capacity to the PTC's continuing mission of improving Cedar Park.  

The team and individual competitions ended last Thursday, but donations are still welcome through October at  Top individual earners walk away with a lasered CP5K hydroflask, while fastest runners earn a jamba pack.  The three top grade-level teams will all enjoy an additional party.

Huge thanks are due to our 5K chairs, Erin Hire and Torey Muhs, and their hard-working 5K team.  This committee gave CPMS their most precious commodity– their time.  Weeks of effort went into this event and we are humbly grateful for every hour taken, from securing corporate sponsors to organizing event logistics.


Corporate matching funds are incredibly valuable to this 5K effort.  Columbia, Intel, and Nike all offer matching fund programs.  If you have questions regarding your online receipt or about matching your CPMS donation, please contact Torey (


School-wide goal:  $50,000  Actual:  $50,496    

Top Team by grade:

  • 6th - Amazon (McGrew) - $6602
  • 7th - Lotus (Masson/VandenHooff) - $6434
  • 8th - Endeavor (Murchison) - $4355

Top Fundraiser by grade:

  • 6th - Zach W. ($1100)
  • 8th - Henry D. ($750)
  • 7th - Elizabeth S. ($600)

Fastest Runners by grade + gender:

  • 6th - Caden S. (16:35)  /  Ellis R. (20:50)
  • 7th - Inbaa C. (17:21)  /  Violette B. (18:21)
  • 8th - Seth H. (18:43)  /  Natalie C. (21:00)

Once again, massive thanks to all who donated.  When we do this together, everybody wins.

5K Agonizingly Close to Achieving $50,000 Dream

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Our 5K journey is finally reaching its peak. We are so amazingly, unbelievably, awe-inspiringly CLOSE to achieving our goal of $50,000-- one of the biggest single fundraising goals set by the PTC in recent memory. 

As of this morning, we are just over $1000 away from reaching the top of our mountain.  Through matching funds, corporate sponsorships, and your own generosity, the summit is now within reach. Just like every student, EVERY.DOLLAR.COUNTS.

When we do this together, everybody wins.

Team Amazon (6th) continues to be in the lead overall,  but Lotus (7th) is coming on strong through envelope donations.  Endeavor continues to be in the lead for 8th.  

Additionally, two individual students have fundraised over $1000.  UNREAL.

Help push us to the top by turning in your cash/check donation to the office by today, Thursday, 10/12  or donate online at  

Five Awesome Reasons to Donate to the CPMS 5K

CPMS's PTC budget provides an incredible level of support for every student at CPMS.  In case you weren't aware of the positive contributions that your donation creates, we are counting down five awesome things provided by your 5K dollars.  

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Every 6th grader gets it, but schools are on their own to fund it. Your donation dollars support an incredible science experience that creates LIFE-LONG MEMORIES for every 6th grader at CPMS.

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 Last year our 7th graders embarked on a new adventure at CPMS– working with and experimenting in CPMS's first-ever engineering lab. The dollars you donate help improve and build upon that experience.


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Last year our donations sent the entire 8th grade on a full-day field trip to OSU. For many, this was their first experience on a college campus. Let's keep inspiring our kids through tangible experiences that broaden their horizons and raise their expectations.


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In a world full of budget cuts, our students are exposed less and less to the beauty and wonder of established artists. CPMS' Art Lit program offers three school-wide units that give historical background as well as a hands-on project.


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We've got big dreams for our CPMS library that include updated furniture, technology-friendly tables, and glass-enclosed study areas.  With your help, we can reimagine this aging space into something that inspires even the most reluctant teen.



Sufficiently inspired?  You still have two ways to donate:

  1. Donate online at
  2. Return cash or check to the office via the 5K envelope.  Loose your envelope?  Any envelope will work– just include the pledge form and clearly mark the outside with "Cedar Park 5K."

Our fundraiser closes on Thursday, 10/12.  Donate now to be a part of positive change at CPMS.

5K FAQ-- All Your Burning Questions Answered

Why should I care about this fundraiser?

Great question.  The Cedar Park 5K is the PTC's only fundraiser of the year.  If the goal is not reached, than additional fundraisers will need to be added into the school year, which absolutely no parent wants EVER.  By raising all our money in the fall, parents can sit back and relax for the rest of year, and watch all our hard-earned donations be spent.

But seriously.  What does it fund?  Where does my money go?

The PTC provides a lot of awesome things for Cedar Park, many of which are invisible to the average parent who's just trying to survive middle school.  These donations touch all students, all year, through student programs such as the Art Literacy program and the PACK store.  The PTC also provides two student socials per year, per grade, as well as the 8th Grade Send-off and various Staff Appreciation events.

Last year, the PTC's budget introduced the addition of specific grade-level experiences.  Your donation dollars now support Outdoor School for every single 6th grader, an Engineering Lab for 7th grade, and a full-day collegiate experience for 8th graders.  

I want the gritty details.

Check out the PTC budget or a list of all our PTC programs and activities.

Any big aspirations for CPMS improvement?

Totally!  Our CPMS administration has identified two areas they'd like to attack:  bulking up the fledgling Engineering Lab and giving our Media Center (fancy name of the library) a facelift.  Every dollar you give helps support those improvements.

I have zero intention of setting up a fundraising page.  Can I still donate?

Absolutely.  Setting up a fundraising page is not required.  To donate online, head to our 5K Firstgiving site and click on "Donate."  You will then be prompted to select a team to support or simply to donate to the cause.  

If you'd prefer to pay by cash or check, you can return donations to the school via the envelope that went home as your 5K packet.  

I've lost the envelope that went home.  Apparently my pile system doesn't work.

Not a problem.  Return your donation in any envelope, but include the pledge form  and clearly mark the outside as "Cedar Park 5K."

Quite honestly, I never hear about the PTC or how this money is used.

Ugh.  We get it.  No one wants to throw money into a black hole.  Check out our brand-spanking new PTC website at  We've put some time into improving our communications.  Consider this new website your PTC HQ-- with lots of info regarding our budget, our events, our programs, and volunteering.  You can even subscribe to the blog emails, so you are always in the know.

Nice try.  I still have questions about the 5K.

Start at  If you still have questions, email our 5K Team at

Okay, I'm in.  Where do I start? 

Join the cause at

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5K Reaches 42% of Goal Prior to Friday's Run

With just three days left before Friday's "Keep Cedar Park Awesome" 5K,  student and sponsor fundraising have surpassed 42% of our goal, earning just over $20,000.  The Cedar Park 5K is the only major fundraiser for the PTC, and hopes to raise the entire annual budget of $50,000.

The PTC supports a substantial portion of student support, including Outdoor School, the newly constructed Engineering Lab, and 8th grade Collegiate visit.  This year, the CPMS administration hope to begin a revamp of our current Media Center to better invite student collaboration and innovation.


  • 97 students have created an online page.
  • Zach W is in the lead with $775 as an individual.
  • McGrew/Amazon is the top team at the moment.  Mason+Vandenhoof/Lotus is the top 7th team and Murchison/Endeavor the top 8th team.  


Parents can start at  There are two options to donate online.  Either hit "Join Now" to create a fundraising page (which allows you to send request emails to family and friends) or simply click on "Donate" and give directly to a team.  All donations to Cedar Park PTC are tax-deductible and eligible for corporate Matching Funds.

Additional questions can be answered at

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5K Donation– Easy Online Option Available

With nine days to go before our 5K event, over 80 students have earned funds through their 5K fundraising pages, totaling over $12,000.  These online fundraising pages allow students to create personal campaigns with the option of sending emails to friends and family across the country.

For those parents interested in an easier and more stream-lined method, an option exists to donate directly to the 5K fundraising effort without setting up a personal page.  Clicking "Donate" on the 5K home page allows parents to support CPMS through a simple online donation. Donors will still be given the option of donating to a CPMS team (their child's science teacher).

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Get started today at and keep the momentum building to our $50,000 goal.

Check out our Fundraising page to answer any questions.  Let's do this CPMS!